You can choose to do freedom camping or choose from our various partner properties where you can use amenities like toilets, charging points, food etc by paying a nominal fee. Overlanding cars are built to provide the freedom of staying anywhere you like. Like somewhere? Stay there!
Absolutely! We derive pleasure in speaking with our guests, knowing you a little better and curating an itinerary according to your preferences. Our overlanding experts usually ask how adventurous you are and then proceed with the planning.
Our guests usually prefer self-driving but you can choose to hire a driver on your risk and liability.
If you are an avid nature lover then you are going to have a memorable time. It’s the best way to experience nature up close so in short A BIG YESS! If I have to throw a number to satiate your analytical mind then 80% of our guests are first time campers. Please go through - Guide to first time overlanding expeditions
You’d be surprised to see them not missing their laptops, ipads, phones & video games. We take extra care of these bright minds so feel free to ask your overlanding expert about the tips and tricks. Meet Azaan - One of our first & youngest Overlander!
The rooftop tent is supremely comfortable and they won’t miss their bed at home. Meet our Granny who camped and trekked on our recent visit.
We provide sleeping bags and some essentials for camping, please ask the expert while booking your trip. Cycles, fishing road etc are available for extra cost.
Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
We provide sleeping bags and some essentials for camping, please ask the expert while booking your trip. Cycles, fishing road etc are available for extra cost.